Sunday, October 14, 2007

no title

I really wish that we would not have had those couple of days with 85 degree weather. It makes it much harder to take this cold weather. As a result I did nothing this weekend besides try and stay warm. On Friday i went to my home town of waupaca and it was damn cold there to.

I am in a very bad mood right now and not really in the mood to discuss or talk about anything however this being an assignment i am trying to suck it up and write down something. I am frustrated with school homework in two classes in particluar. Math and Spanish. Math because i am having trouble with stupid fucking story problems and spanish because i think it is pointless. I wish that the world would have one common language that everyone spoke that would be so much easier.

When i have childeren i am going to teach them forgein language from day one so they do not have to deal with the bullshit of trying to learn one when they are older. that is all i have to say about that and i am going to sleep.


Azor said...

I actually had to study German this summer for my Master's Degree. It was painful, but I passed by the skin of my teeth.

Jake Smet said...

I know what you's a little shocking to the body...45 degrees? I cant even see my breath and I'm cold!! Ridiculous.

My Math and Astronomy class are the same. I try sooo hard, put in like 2 or 3 hours into the homework/studying, and you just barely pass, or's lame. I don't think many teachers understand that kids learn at different speeds, and some concepts are alot harder for some.
I feel like I'm not getting my money's worth sometimes!

sublime_61 said...

Oh come on you don't like Spanish class! Ha Ha I know your frustrations! I just do not want to even go to our Spanish class because I that we never do anything!