Monday, October 1, 2007

My weekend

This weekend was a rough weekend. On Friday I helped a friend move some stuff from his house to another home. That resulted in me ending up in the hospital getting a shot of demerol and some pain killers.

I had pinched or pulled a muscle in my back and the doctor recommended I rest all day on Friday and Saturday I should exercise to try and loosen up my back..

Taking the doctors advice I went to Hobbs woods saturday afternoon with a couple of friends to do some light hiking. We came to an area of the woods that allowed us to cross the river on a log bridge. The bridge was about 10 to 15ft up. I said to my buddies "i don't think i am going to make this one" and i was correct. 5 minutes later found me rolling backwards down the 10 ft embakment on the other side of the river ending with a head first plunge into the river. So i ended up with an injured elbow, knee, back, and hand that Sunday my buddies asked if i wanted to take another stab at the bridge i said "no".

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