Sunday, December 16, 2007

no sleep

sometimes i think i might have insomnia. I stayed up the entire night the other night for no reason other than i couldnt sleep. I tried, I laid in bed and on the couch watching tv and not watching tv, reading a book, working out, cleaning and lying there quietly.

I finally got a hold of my ex girlfriend whom I haven't talked to in 10 years. She wrote me a long message on a myspace account I have and then set up a restriction on her profile so I would have to be friends with her in order to reply to her messages. Since thanksgiving I have been trying to send her a message back and I have finally gotten through.

My new cat is finally settling down in the house it's been about a week but he is not longer puking. The other morning was the final time. I awoke the other morning to my cat balled up right next to my face. He was very cute and he woke up almost immediately after I awoke. He looked at my sleepily and yawned lazily, He then proceeded to open his mouth into what I anticipated being another cute sleepy yawn and vomited a steaming pile of food no more than four inches from my face. It is truly amazing how quickly something can loose it's cute status.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

I wish

I wonder how long someone would continue to scroll if I just continued to type I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish ect... all the way down the page. What kind of person has that kind of dedication to what could possible be a big waste of time. Further more what kind of person would take the time to type that all the way down the screen?

I guess that is the allure of reading that type of message. At the bottom could be some inspirational text that could conceivably change your life forever. Just as likely after hours of scrolling through I wish it could end "I wish I wasn't such a sucker." Most people would simply scroll all the way to the bottome of the page. I think it would be cool to do the I wish thing or something similar in like a thousand pages and scattered through out the pages could be a bank account number with and undisclosed amount of cash whoever could make it through the I wish pages first and have all the correct #'s would win the amount of money in the bank account. Better yet it might be fun to just send a chain letter following the above premise and put like a hundered dollars in the account. I could leave my phone number and a message saying "You have won a $100 dollars please contact the corresponding phone number to collect your prize" I could space out the words and the phone number throughout a couple hundered pages of I wish.

Sunday, December 2, 2007


This blogging confounds me. I can never think of anything I really feel like sharing. I guess mabye I am just a private person. Mabye not though. I think my problem is I am more into telling a story outloud. I like the interaction, and frankly, if I wrote down everything that I did and shared it with everyone what would be the point of listening to me?

My paper wrote itself it's only going to be about 5 pages. I changed my arguement to why the person who took the picture is slander when other pictures of terror are considered inspiring? By the way this last paragraph is really only for you Azor. This means that I get to write the synthesis paper, which i plan on writing about the relevance of the peanuts gang on todays society tackling the questions of why the comic strip was such a success and the impact and effect it had on the writer.