Sunday, October 28, 2007

the enviornment

I wonder why it appears that hardly anything is being done on a national level to combat the enviormental problems spanning the globe. Everyone seems to be aware that there is a problem but it seems to be ignored.

The planet dying to me is a should take precedence over our oil interests. Oil has brought us nothing but problems wars and pollution. Why keep fighting over something that we are or should be trying to move away from.

This last friday pollution in bejing China was so bad that the young and elderly were advised to stay off the streets. The streets themselves were saturated in a thick cloud of pollution so bad that people were wearing masks to try and help filter the air.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

no title

I really wish that we would not have had those couple of days with 85 degree weather. It makes it much harder to take this cold weather. As a result I did nothing this weekend besides try and stay warm. On Friday i went to my home town of waupaca and it was damn cold there to.

I am in a very bad mood right now and not really in the mood to discuss or talk about anything however this being an assignment i am trying to suck it up and write down something. I am frustrated with school homework in two classes in particluar. Math and Spanish. Math because i am having trouble with stupid fucking story problems and spanish because i think it is pointless. I wish that the world would have one common language that everyone spoke that would be so much easier.

When i have childeren i am going to teach them forgein language from day one so they do not have to deal with the bullshit of trying to learn one when they are older. that is all i have to say about that and i am going to sleep.

Monday, October 1, 2007

My weekend

This weekend was a rough weekend. On Friday I helped a friend move some stuff from his house to another home. That resulted in me ending up in the hospital getting a shot of demerol and some pain killers.

I had pinched or pulled a muscle in my back and the doctor recommended I rest all day on Friday and Saturday I should exercise to try and loosen up my back..

Taking the doctors advice I went to Hobbs woods saturday afternoon with a couple of friends to do some light hiking. We came to an area of the woods that allowed us to cross the river on a log bridge. The bridge was about 10 to 15ft up. I said to my buddies "i don't think i am going to make this one" and i was correct. 5 minutes later found me rolling backwards down the 10 ft embakment on the other side of the river ending with a head first plunge into the river. So i ended up with an injured elbow, knee, back, and hand that Sunday my buddies asked if i wanted to take another stab at the bridge i said "no".